Commercial Roof Coatings by RGP

Roof Coatings
Roof coating is a solid precautionary investment that protects and expands the life of your roof. A roof coating is a monolithic, fully adhered, fluid applied roofing membrane. It has elastic properties that allows it to stretch and return to their original shape without damage.
Typical roof coating dry film thickness vary from paint film thickness (plus or minus 3 dry mils) to more than 40 dry mils. This means a roof coating actually becomes the top layer of a composite roof membrane and underlying system. As such, the roof coating is the topmost layer of protection for the membrane, receiving the impact of sunlight (both infrared and ultraviolet (UV), rain, hail and physical damage. A roof coating can be applied by brush, roller or spray. An airless sprayer is recommended for best results.
Field-applied reflective roof coatings can extend the useful life of nearly every roof substrate by keeping a roof surface cool and providing a level of protection from the sun and weather. Field studies have shown that cool roof coatings can lower rooftop temperatures and reduce air conditioning bills.
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